觀看: 2955
  • 00:00 1.
    Instrumental Variable Method And Simultaneous Equation System
  • 00:33 2.
    Instrumental Variable Method
  • 05:46 3.
    Instrumental Variables to the Rescue (1)
  • 09:18 4.
    Instrumental Variables to the Rescue (2)
  • 11:47 5.
    An Example of IV
  • 14:51 6.
    Properties of the Instrumental Variables Estimators
  • 17:15 7.
    Example 1: lagged explained variable as an explanatory variable
  • 23:53 8.
    Example 2: Missing Variables (1)
  • 25:47 9.
    Example 2: Missing Variables (2)
  • 25:56 10.
    Example 2: Missing Variables (1)
  • 30:04 11.
    Example 2: Missing Variables (3)
  • 33:00 12.
    Example 2: Missing Variables (4)
  • 33:03 13.
    Example 2: Missing Variables (5)
  • 34:26 14.
    Example 2: Missing Variables (4)
  • 34:27 15.
    Example 2: Missing Variables (3)
  • 34:34 16.
    Example 2: Missing Variables (4)
  • 35:27 17.
    Example 2: Missing Variables (5)
  • 35:30 18.
    Instrumental variable method
  • 36:54 19.
    Example 2: Missing Variables (5)
  • 36:56 20.
    Example 2: Missing Variables (4)
  • 36:56 21.
    Example 2: Missing Variables (3)
  • 36:57 22.
    Example 2: Missing Variables (2)
  • 37:16 23.
    Example 2: Missing Variables (3)
  • 37:17 24.
    Example 2: Missing Variables (4)
  • 37:21 25.
    Example 2: Missing Variables (5)
  • 37:24 26.
    Instrumental variable method
  • 37:25 27.
    The Instrumental Variable Estimator
  • 39:10 28.
    The Instrumental Variable Estimator
  • 41:20 29.
  • 42:49 30.
    The Instrumental Variable Estimator
  • 42:54 31.
  • 44:02 32.
    Example of Wage Equation
  • 46:18 33.
    Example of Wage Equation
  • 48:52 34.
    The Hausman Test
  • 53:13 35.
    The Hausman Test
  • 53:30 36.
    Simultaneous Equation System
  • 1:00:25 37.
  • 1:04:19 38.
    Is Demand or Supply Identified?
  • 1:08:21 39.
    A Formal Identification Condition
  • 1:08:25 40.
    A Formal Identification Condition
  • 1:12:34 41.
    Identification Example 1
  • 1:18:29 42.
    Identification Example 1
  • 1:18:33 43.
    Identification Example 1
  • 1:18:57 44.
    Identification Example 1
  • 1:19:28 45.
    Identification Example 2
  • 1:19:29 46.
    Identification Example 1
  • 1:20:03 47.
    Identification Example 1
  • 1:20:59 48.
    Identification Example 1
  • 1:21:00 49.
    Identification Example 2
  • 1:24:50 50.
    Identification Example 3
  • 1:27:43 51.
    Is It Identified?
  • 1:30:18 52.
    A More Complicated System
  • 1:30:44 53.
  • 1:31:49 54.
    Another Look at Identification
  • 1:36:40 55.
    One More Look…
  • 1:39:56 56.
    Exact and Over Identified
  • 1:41:35 57.
  • 1:43:28 58.
  • 1:43:30 59.
  • 1:44:06 60.
  • 1:45:05 61.
    Demand and Supply of Pork
  • 1:45:10 62.
    Slide 38
  • 1:45:13 63.
    Slide 39
  • 索引
  • 筆記
  • 討論
  • 全螢幕
acct-7-IV and SES
長度: 1:45:14, 瀏覽: 2956, 最近修訂: 2022-11-21
    • 00:00 1.
      Instrumental Variable Method And Simultaneous Equation System
    • 00:33 2.
      Instrumental Variable Method
    • 05:46 3.
      Instrumental Variables to the Rescue (1)
    • 09:18 4.
      Instrumental Variables to the Rescue (2)
    • 11:47 5.
      An Example of IV
    • 14:51 6.
      Properties of the Instrumental Variables Estimators
    • 17:15 7.
      Example 1: lagged explained variable as an explanatory variable
    • 23:53 8.
      Example 2: Missing Variables (1)
    • 25:47 9.
      Example 2: Missing Variables (2)
    • 25:56 10.
      Example 2: Missing Variables (1)
    • 30:04 11.
      Example 2: Missing Variables (3)
    • 33:00 12.
      Example 2: Missing Variables (4)
    • 33:03 13.
      Example 2: Missing Variables (5)
    • 34:26 14.
      Example 2: Missing Variables (4)
    • 34:27 15.
      Example 2: Missing Variables (3)
    • 34:34 16.
      Example 2: Missing Variables (4)
    • 35:27 17.
      Example 2: Missing Variables (5)
    • 35:30 18.
      Instrumental variable method
    • 36:54 19.
      Example 2: Missing Variables (5)
    • 36:56 20.
      Example 2: Missing Variables (4)
    • 36:56 21.
      Example 2: Missing Variables (3)
    • 36:57 22.
      Example 2: Missing Variables (2)
    • 37:16 23.
      Example 2: Missing Variables (3)
    • 37:17 24.
      Example 2: Missing Variables (4)
    • 37:21 25.
      Example 2: Missing Variables (5)
    • 37:24 26.
      Instrumental variable method
    • 37:25 27.
      The Instrumental Variable Estimator
    • 39:10 28.
      The Instrumental Variable Estimator
    • 41:20 29.
    • 42:49 30.
      The Instrumental Variable Estimator
    • 42:54 31.
    • 44:02 32.
      Example of Wage Equation
    • 46:18 33.
      Example of Wage Equation
    • 48:52 34.
      The Hausman Test
    • 53:13 35.
      The Hausman Test
    • 53:30 36.
      Simultaneous Equation System
    • 1:00:25 37.
    • 1:04:19 38.
      Is Demand or Supply Identified?
    • 1:08:21 39.
      A Formal Identification Condition
    • 1:08:25 40.
      A Formal Identification Condition
    • 1:12:34 41.
      Identification Example 1
    • 1:18:29 42.
      Identification Example 1
    • 1:18:33 43.
      Identification Example 1
    • 1:18:57 44.
      Identification Example 1
    • 1:19:28 45.
      Identification Example 2
    • 1:19:29 46.
      Identification Example 1
    • 1:20:03 47.
      Identification Example 1
    • 1:20:59 48.
      Identification Example 1
    • 1:21:00 49.
      Identification Example 2
    • 1:24:50 50.
      Identification Example 3
    • 1:27:43 51.
      Is It Identified?
    • 1:30:18 52.
      A More Complicated System
    • 1:30:44 53.
    • 1:31:49 54.
      Another Look at Identification
    • 1:36:40 55.
      One More Look…
    • 1:39:56 56.
      Exact and Over Identified
    • 1:41:35 57.
    • 1:43:28 58.
    • 1:43:30 59.
    • 1:44:06 60.
    • 1:45:05 61.
      Demand and Supply of Pork
    • 1:45:10 62.
      Slide 38
    • 1:45:13 63.
      Slide 39
    powercam.fju.edu.tw (root)
    2022-11-21 15:01:54
    2022-11-21 15:25:07