• 00:00 1.
  • 01:41 2.
    A Kingdom of Consumers
  • 1:04:25 3.
    Cambrian explosion
  • 1:04:35 4.
    ** after 2020 chapter 32.pptx
  • 1:08:38 5.
    Cambrian explosion
  • 1:08:44 6.
    Animal diversity continued to increase through the Paleozoic era古生代, but was punctuated by mass extinctionsAnimals began to make an impact on land by 450 million years agoVertebrates made the transition to land around 365 million years ago
  • 1:09:28 7.
    Slide 78
  • 1:09:48 8.
    Slide 79
  • 1:09:51 9.
    Slide 80
  • 1:11:07 10.
    Slide 81
  • 1:11:08 11.
    Slide 82
  • 1:11:24 12.
    Slide 83
  • 1:12:01 13.
    The Evolution of Life : Ordovician奥陶纪
  • 1:12:31 14.
    ** after 2020 chapter 32.pptx
  • 1:12:47 15.
    The Evolution of Life : Ordovician奥陶纪
  • 1:14:17 16.
    Slide 85
  • 1:14:27 17.
    Slide 86
  • 1:14:43 18.
    Slide 87
  • 1:15:07 19.
    Slide 88
  • 1:15:28 20.
    The Evolution of Life: Silurian志留紀
  • 1:15:50 21.
    The Evolution of Life : Devonian 泥盆紀
  • 1:16:18 22.
    The Evolution of Life: Carboniferous石炭紀
  • 1:17:16 23.
    Slide 92
  • 1:17:53 24.
    Slide 93
  • 1:18:26 25.
    Slide 94
  • 1:18:48 26.
    Slide 95
  • 1:20:29 27.
    The Evolution of Life: Permian 二疊紀
  • 1:21:39 28.
    Slide 97
  • 1:21:40 29.
    Mesozoic Era中生代 (252–66 Million Years Ago)
  • 1:24:56 30.
    Cenozoic Era新生代(66 Million Years Ago to the Present)
  • 1:25:38 31.
    ** after 2020 chapter 32.pptx
  • 1:28:51 32.
    index 3
  • 1:30:27 33.
  • 1:31:22 34.
    Figure 32.8
  • 1:31:45 35.
    Figure 32.8a
  • 1:31:45 36.
    Figure 32.8b
  • 1:31:46 37.
    The two-sided symmetry of a shovel is an example of bilateral symmetryBilaterally symmetrical animals haveA dorsal (top) side and a ventral (bottom) sideA right and left sideAnterior (front) and posterior (back) endsMany also have sensory equipment, such
  • 1:33:03 38.
    Radial animals are often sessile or planktonic (drifting or weakly swimming)Bilateral animals typically move actively and have a central nervous system
  • 1:33:44 39.
  • 1:34:49 40.
    Ectoderm is the germ layer covering the embryo’s surfaceEndoderm is the innermost germ layer and lines the developing digestive tube, called the archenteron
  • 1:36:09 41.
    Sponges and a few other groups lack true tissuesDiploblastic雙胚層animals have only ectoderm and endodermThese include cnidarians and a few other groupsTriploblastic三胚層animals also have an intermediate tissue layer called mesodermAll bilaterally symmetrical
  • 1:38:49 42.
    Body Cavities
  • 1:39:22 43.
    Figure 32.9
  • 1:41:11 44.
    Figure 32.9a
  • 1:41:12 45.
    A pseudocoelom is a body cavity derived from the mesoderm and endodermTriploblastic animals that possess a pseudocoelom are called pseudocoelomates
  • 1:41:13 46.
    Figure 32.9b
  • 1:41:14 47.
    Triploblastic animals that lack a body cavity are called acoelomates
  • 1:41:18 48.
    Figure 32.9c
  • 1:41:19 49.
    A body cavity has many functionsFluid cushions the suspended organsFluid acts like a skeleton against which muscles can workThe cavity enables internal organs to grow and move independently of the outer body wall
  • 1:42:12 50.
    Terms such as coelomates and pseudocoelomates refer to organisms that have a similar body plan and belong to the same gradeA grade is a group whose members share key biological featuresA grade is not necessarily a clade, an ancestor and all of its descend
  • 1:43:24 51.
    Protostome and Deuterostome Development
  • 1:44:03 52.
  • 1:44:07 53.
    In deuterostome development, cleavage is radial and indeterminateIn animals with indeterminate cleavage, each cell in the early stages of cleavage retains the capacity to develop into a complete embryoIndeterminate cleavage makes possible identical twins
  • 1:44:08 54.
    Figure 32.10
  • 1:50:09 55.
    Figure 32.10a
  • 1:50:10 56.
    Coelom Formation
  • 1:50:12 57.
    Figure 32.10b
  • 1:50:12 58.
    Fate of the Blastopore
  • 1:50:13 59.
    Figure 32.10c
  • 1:50:15 60.
    Concept 32.4: Views of animal phylogeny continue to be shaped by new molecular and morphological data
  • 1:50:15 61.
    The Diversification of Animals
  • 1:51:31 62.
    Five important points about the relationships among living animals are reflected in their phylogenyAll animals share a common ancestorSponges are the sister group to all other animalsEumetazoa (“true animals”) is a clade of animals with tissues
  • 1:52:57 63.
    Most animal phyla belong to the clade BilateriaThere are three major clades of bilaterian animals, all of which are invertebrates, animals that lack a backbone, except Chordata, which includes vertebrates, animals with a backbone
  • 1:54:25 64.
    Figure 32.11
  • 1:56:52 65.
    Figure 32.11a
  • 1:56:53 66.
    Figure 32.11b
  • 1:56:54 67.
    The bilaterians are divided into three clades: Deuterostomia, Ecdysozoa, and LophotrochozoaDeuterostomia 後口動物總門 includes hemichordates半索動物門(acorn worms), echinoderms棘皮動物(sea stars and relatives), and chordateschordatesThis clade includes both vertebrates
  • 1:56:58 68.
    The ecdysozoans 蛻皮動物總門 and the lophotochozoans 冠輪動物 are composed entirely of invertebratesMembers of Ecdysozoa secrete external skeletonsAs they grow, they shed their exoskeletons through a process called ecdysis
  • 1:56:59 69.
    Lophotrochozoa is another clade of bilaterian 兩側對稱動物 invertebratesSome lophotrochozoans have a feeding structure called a lophophore 觸手冠Others go through a distinct developmental stage called the trochophore larva 擔輪幼蟲
  • 1:56:59 70.
    The ecdysozoans 蛻皮動物總門 and the lophotochozoans 冠輪動物 are composed entirely of invertebratesMembers of Ecdysozoa secrete external skeletonsAs they grow, they shed their exoskeletons through a process called ecdysis
  • 1:57:08 71.
    Lophotrochozoa is another clade of bilaterian 兩側對稱動物 invertebratesSome lophotrochozoans have a feeding structure called a lophophore 觸手冠Others go through a distinct developmental stage called the trochophore larva 擔輪幼蟲
  • 1:57:08 72.
    Figure 32.12
  • 索引
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bio 0510 C32 animal
長度: 1:57:28, 瀏覽: 757, 最近修訂: 2022-05-10
    • 00:00 1.
    • 01:41 2.
      A Kingdom of Consumers
    • 1:04:25 3.
      Cambrian explosion
    • 1:04:35 4.
      ** after 2020 chapter 32.pptx
    • 1:08:38 5.
      Cambrian explosion
    • 1:08:44 6.
      Animal diversity continued to increase through the Paleozoic era古生代, but was punctuated by mass extinctionsAnimals began to make an impact on land by 450 million years agoVertebrates made the transition to land around 365 million years ago
    • 1:09:28 7.
      Slide 78
    • 1:09:48 8.
      Slide 79
    • 1:09:51 9.
      Slide 80
    • 1:11:07 10.
      Slide 81
    • 1:11:08 11.
      Slide 82
    • 1:11:24 12.
      Slide 83
    • 1:12:01 13.
      The Evolution of Life : Ordovician奥陶纪
    • 1:12:31 14.
      ** after 2020 chapter 32.pptx
    • 1:12:47 15.
      The Evolution of Life : Ordovician奥陶纪
    • 1:14:17 16.
      Slide 85
    • 1:14:27 17.
      Slide 86
    • 1:14:43 18.
      Slide 87
    • 1:15:07 19.
      Slide 88
    • 1:15:28 20.
      The Evolution of Life: Silurian志留紀
    • 1:15:50 21.
      The Evolution of Life : Devonian 泥盆紀
    • 1:16:18 22.
      The Evolution of Life: Carboniferous石炭紀
    • 1:17:16 23.
      Slide 92
    • 1:17:53 24.
      Slide 93
    • 1:18:26 25.
      Slide 94
    • 1:18:48 26.
      Slide 95
    • 1:20:29 27.
      The Evolution of Life: Permian 二疊紀
    • 1:21:39 28.
      Slide 97
    • 1:21:40 29.
      Mesozoic Era中生代 (252–66 Million Years Ago)
    • 1:24:56 30.
      Cenozoic Era新生代(66 Million Years Ago to the Present)
    • 1:25:38 31.
      ** after 2020 chapter 32.pptx
    • 1:28:51 32.
      index 3
    • 1:30:27 33.
    • 1:31:22 34.
      Figure 32.8
    • 1:31:45 35.
      Figure 32.8a
    • 1:31:45 36.
      Figure 32.8b
    • 1:31:46 37.
      The two-sided symmetry of a shovel is an example of bilateral symmetryBilaterally symmetrical animals haveA dorsal (top) side and a ventral (bottom) sideA right and left sideAnterior (front) and posterior (back) endsMany also have sensory equipment, such
    • 1:33:03 38.
      Radial animals are often sessile or planktonic (drifting or weakly swimming)Bilateral animals typically move actively and have a central nervous system
    • 1:33:44 39.
    • 1:34:49 40.
      Ectoderm is the germ layer covering the embryo’s surfaceEndoderm is the innermost germ layer and lines the developing digestive tube, called the archenteron
    • 1:36:09 41.
      Sponges and a few other groups lack true tissuesDiploblastic雙胚層animals have only ectoderm and endodermThese include cnidarians and a few other groupsTriploblastic三胚層animals also have an intermediate tissue layer called mesodermAll bilaterally symmetrical
    • 1:38:49 42.
      Body Cavities
    • 1:39:22 43.
      Figure 32.9
    • 1:41:11 44.
      Figure 32.9a
    • 1:41:12 45.
      A pseudocoelom is a body cavity derived from the mesoderm and endodermTriploblastic animals that possess a pseudocoelom are called pseudocoelomates
    • 1:41:13 46.
      Figure 32.9b
    • 1:41:14 47.
      Triploblastic animals that lack a body cavity are called acoelomates
    • 1:41:18 48.
      Figure 32.9c
    • 1:41:19 49.
      A body cavity has many functionsFluid cushions the suspended organsFluid acts like a skeleton against which muscles can workThe cavity enables internal organs to grow and move independently of the outer body wall
    • 1:42:12 50.
      Terms such as coelomates and pseudocoelomates refer to organisms that have a similar body plan and belong to the same gradeA grade is a group whose members share key biological featuresA grade is not necessarily a clade, an ancestor and all of its descend
    • 1:43:24 51.
      Protostome and Deuterostome Development
    • 1:44:03 52.
    • 1:44:07 53.
      In deuterostome development, cleavage is radial and indeterminateIn animals with indeterminate cleavage, each cell in the early stages of cleavage retains the capacity to develop into a complete embryoIndeterminate cleavage makes possible identical twins
    • 1:44:08 54.
      Figure 32.10
    • 1:50:09 55.
      Figure 32.10a
    • 1:50:10 56.
      Coelom Formation
    • 1:50:12 57.
      Figure 32.10b
    • 1:50:12 58.
      Fate of the Blastopore
    • 1:50:13 59.
      Figure 32.10c
    • 1:50:15 60.
      Concept 32.4: Views of animal phylogeny continue to be shaped by new molecular and morphological data
    • 1:50:15 61.
      The Diversification of Animals
    • 1:51:31 62.
      Five important points about the relationships among living animals are reflected in their phylogenyAll animals share a common ancestorSponges are the sister group to all other animalsEumetazoa (“true animals”) is a clade of animals with tissues
    • 1:52:57 63.
      Most animal phyla belong to the clade BilateriaThere are three major clades of bilaterian animals, all of which are invertebrates, animals that lack a backbone, except Chordata, which includes vertebrates, animals with a backbone
    • 1:54:25 64.
      Figure 32.11
    • 1:56:52 65.
      Figure 32.11a
    • 1:56:53 66.
      Figure 32.11b
    • 1:56:54 67.
      The bilaterians are divided into three clades: Deuterostomia, Ecdysozoa, and LophotrochozoaDeuterostomia 後口動物總門 includes hemichordates半索動物門(acorn worms), echinoderms棘皮動物(sea stars and relatives), and chordateschordatesThis clade includes both vertebrates
    • 1:56:58 68.
      The ecdysozoans 蛻皮動物總門 and the lophotochozoans 冠輪動物 are composed entirely of invertebratesMembers of Ecdysozoa secrete external skeletonsAs they grow, they shed their exoskeletons through a process called ecdysis
    • 1:56:59 69.
      Lophotrochozoa is another clade of bilaterian 兩側對稱動物 invertebratesSome lophotrochozoans have a feeding structure called a lophophore 觸手冠Others go through a distinct developmental stage called the trochophore larva 擔輪幼蟲
    • 1:56:59 70.
      The ecdysozoans 蛻皮動物總門 and the lophotochozoans 冠輪動物 are composed entirely of invertebratesMembers of Ecdysozoa secrete external skeletonsAs they grow, they shed their exoskeletons through a process called ecdysis
    • 1:57:08 71.
      Lophotrochozoa is another clade of bilaterian 兩側對稱動物 invertebratesSome lophotrochozoans have a feeding structure called a lophophore 觸手冠Others go through a distinct developmental stage called the trochophore larva 擔輪幼蟲
    • 1:57:08 72.
      Figure 32.12
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